The 2Dto3D Solvay Workshop is an international workshop, which will put together experts on crystal growth, polymorphism, epitaxy, surface modifications, and characterization methods. Participants and speakers are welcome to attend in person or remotely. The goal of the meeting is to discuss the latest results of the 2Dto3D project in an international context.
Invited Speakers
David Amabilino (Nottingham U., UK)
Cinzia Casiraghi (Manchester U., UK)
Neil Champness (Birmingham U., UK)
Shelley Claridge (Purdue U., USA)
Steven De Feyter (KULeuven, Belgium)
Roman Forker (Friedrich Schiller U., Germany)
Jean Gillet (ULB, Belgium)
Andreas Hirsch (FAU, Germany)
Stefan Kowarik (U. of Graz, Germany)
Markus Lackinger (TUM, Germany)
Tom Leyssens (UCLouvain, Belgium)
Jim Lusko (ULB, Belgium)
Andrea Minoia (UMONS, Belgium
Klaus Müllen (Max Planck, Germany)
Josep Puigmarti-Luis (UB, Spain)
Roland Resel (U. of Graz, Germany)
Francesco Tassinari (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Sandra Van Aert (U. of Antwerp, Belgium)
Omer Yaffe (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
There is no fee but registration is mandatory. Please visit the page of the Solvay Institutes.