Molecular, Supramolecular and Functional Chemistry
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Molecular, Supramolecular and Functional Chemistry

The principal objective of the CHIM is to procure and guarantee a strong scientific environment for the realisation of doctoral research in the various domains of chemistry and their cross-disciplinarity.  With this in mind, the school will aim:

  • to constitute a space for exchange of ideas and skills with the aim of improving the scientific training of young researchers, granting particular attention to aptitudes in scientific communication;
  • to promote multidisciplinary approaches in the realisation of thesis projects, in associating the fundamental and applied aspects in the domains of molecular, supramolecular and functional chemistry;
  • to offer quality training and supervision to PhD students through coordination and emphasising of the various training activities that are organised within research groups in the different partner institutions.

CHIM is training a multidisciplinary team which tackles phenomena and molecular properties at all scales, from the macroscopic to the atom, both via experimental approaches in the laboratory and on the major European research instruments, and via theoretical modelling approaches relating to synthetic chemistry (organic and inorganic), chemical analysis, structural analysis, spectroscopy, chemistry of materials, surfaces and interfaces, macromolecular chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, colloidal chemistry, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry, chemistry of natural substances, food chemistry, industrial chemistry and chemical processes, metallurgy, photochemistry, nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry.


The scientific committee is presently composed as follows:

  • ULB :
    Gilles BERGER
    Thomas DONEUX
    Cécile MOUCHERON
  • UMONS :
    Sylvain BROHEZ
    Sophie LAURENT
    Jean-Marie RAQUEZ, treasurer
    Mathieu SURIN
  • UNamur :
    Benoît CHAMPAGNE
    Johan WOUTERS
  • ULiège :
    Magali DELEU
    Loïc QUINTON, Spokesperson 2023
    Damien SLUYSMANS
  • UCLouvain :
    Sonia COLLIN
    Charles-André FUSTIN
    Yann GARCIA
    Raphaël ROBIETTE

Secrétariat : Enza ESPOSITO,


Université de Namur (UNamur)
Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Université de Mons (UMONS)
Université de Liège (ULiège)