Structure and function of the biological macromolecules, bioinformatic and modeling
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Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modelling.

The graduate school SMFBBM was created in order to:

  • Promote the doctoral training in closely interconnected scientific fields such as biochemistry of macromolecules, structural biology, proteomics, bioinformatics and modelling.
  • Promote contacts between PhD students during their doctoral training.
  • Provide scientific background and knowledge as well as human resources to help the PhD student at the beginning of his scientific career.
  • Allow access to expensive or state of the art techniques distributed across the country: NMR, X-ray diffraction, high-end spectroscopy (e.g. FTIR), informatic resources and algorithms, proteomic techniques (mass spectrometry, separation techniques, automated peptide synthesis and analysis, sequencing techniques, etc.)
  • Enable national and international interactions during scientific meetings (e.g. seminars, meetings, summer schools, training courses, etc.)
  • Prepare PhD students to professional life (academic or industrial) by providing interpersonal skills and by building their self-confidence through oral presentations and international exchanges, to develop their capacity to communicate in English through the redaction of scientific publications, international projects and personal reports.


The graduate school covers a large spectrum of interconnected fields:

  • Structure determination and functional studies of peptides and proteins.
  • Synthesis, chemistry, purification and characterization of proteins and peptides.
  • Study of post-translational modifications of proteins.
  • Proteomics
  • Genomic, proteomic and structural bioinformatics studies.
  • Biochemical purification and characterization of polysaccharides and nucleic acids.
  • Interactions between macromolecules (proteins/proteins, proteins/nucleic acids, proteins/ligands)
  • Biological systems modeling
  • In silico approaches, chemical genomics, chemical proteomics, drug design



  • ULB
  • UMons
  • ULiège
  • FSAGx
  • UCLouvain
  • UNamur

Laboratoires associés

  • VUB
  • UGent
  • KUL
  • Institut d’Immunologie, LNS Luxembourg (II-LNS)
  • Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomique, CRAW
  • Haute Ecole Lucia de Brouckère


Laboratoires associés
  • Laboratoire National de Santé (Luxembourg)
    Laboratory of Virology
    Andy Chevigné
  • Institute of molecular Biotechnology, RWTH-Aachen University.
    Kurt Hauffmann ,


The SFMBBM graduate school organizes each year several recurrent events for PhD students:

  • A PhD day (November)
  • A 2-days workshop on scientific writing (June)
  • A 2-days workshop on the use of Pymol and AlphaFold (September)
  • A 1-day meeting on “Protein Folding and Stability” (End of August or early September)