We are pleased to announce the course dedicated to Protein Quality Control, supported both by the FNRS Graduate School “Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modelling” and the Belgian Biophysical Society, which will take place in Breda from 23 to 26 May.
Aim of the course:
Purified proteins are being used in various research and medical laboratories. For example, for elucidating 3D molecular structure of proteins, for studying protein-protein or protein-DNA interactions, and for cell biologic experiments. For all these studies proteins require strict quality controls to provide reliable experimental data. In 2020 Members of the ARBRE-MOBIEU and the P4EU networks have combined their expertise to generate guidelines for the evaluation of purified proteins used in life sciences and medical trials (de Marco et al. 2021 and Berow et al. 2021 ). In this course we aim to help the participants to become familiar with these guidelines for protein quality control and provide them with an overview of technologies necessary to improve data quality for purified proteins. Participants will get hands-on experience with these technologies during the course.
Participants: Limited to 18 participants
This course has been developed for technicians, PhD students, and phD who are using or are planning to use purified proteins in their lab experiments. After this course, participants should be familiar with the different techniques that can be applied on purified proteins and that will lead to more reliable and reproducible data from downstream applications with these purified proteins.
André Matagne amatagne@uliege.be
Martie Verschuren mcm.verschuren@avans.nl
More information (program, speakers, etc):