The next PhD Day of the EDT-SFMBBM will take place on Friday November 15th 2024 at UNamur (Auditorium Pedro Arrupe 02).
We are pleased to welcome 3 Keynote speakers:
- Frédéric Rousseau (KULeuven, Belgium)
- Sylviane Muller (Université de Strasbourg, France)
- Gil Privé (Université de Toronto, Canada)
Different slots for short talks will be available for PhD students. PhD students and Post-doc researchers will also have the opportunity to present the result of their research during poster sessions. The best oral and poster presentations will be awarded !
The participation is free but registration is mandatory.
- October 15: deadline to sign-up for a talk or poster and submit an abstract
Please register via
This event is open to all, young & senior scientists, academic and industry partners. We would like to encourage the supervisors to make this a success by inviting all their students to participate. The language of the meeting will be English.
Local organizers:
- Hugo Bâlon
- Lauranne Guillaume
- Laurelenn Hennaux
- Blinera Juniku
- Tanguy Leyder
- Catherine Michaux
- Julien Mignon
- Jean Poucet
- Bryan Renard
- Cyril Vandevyver